This site requires a user account and password to be accessed. If you don't have a username and password, please send me an e-mail with a username and password of your own choice, maximum of 20 characters in both. Because of the system, it's necessary for me to know the password.
If you have been in front of my Digital Camera, it's big possibilities that there are pictures of you there also!
I have decided to have a password protected album because I don’t want the whole world access to the pictures, and also in respect to the people on the pictures. So once you got a user account, please don’t share your password and username to other people. They can instead register as you, and that’s no problem so long I know them.
You can add comment to every picture you have access to, and I find it very nice of you if you posts some comments. It can be anything about the picture or the happening around the picture, or just correcting all the errors I have written.
Denne siden krever en brukerkonto for å få tilgang til bildene mine, har du enda ikke skaffet deg det, så send meg en e-mail med ønsket brukernavn og passord, maks 20 tegn i begge. Pga. systemet er det nødvendig for meg å vite passordet du velger.
Dersom du har vært foran det digitale kameraet mitt, så er det stor sannsynlighet for at du finner bilde av deg der også!
En stor takk til min bror Fredrik Haugen, som har hjulpet meg mye med domene og webplass, samt den tekniske delen av albumet mitt! Fredrik jobber på Online4U, og har derfor god kjennskap til dette.